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University of Tasmania MIFE® Award

Dr Ian Newman, an alumnus of the University of Tasmania, is pleased to provide an award to assist Honours or PhD students undertaking MIFE® related research (study) at the University of Tasmania. The MIFE® system to measure ion fluxes in solution was invented and developed in the University of Tasmania by Dr Newman and others.



The award is available as:

a) A studentship to support a needy Honours or PhD candidate undertaking research (study) using the MIFE® system.

b) A travel grant to support an Honours or PhD candidate undertaking research (study) using the MIFE® system to attend and present his or her work at an international or mainland conference.

Please contact Professor Sergey Shabala for further information on how to apply.


For a needy candidate, the award will be to the value of $3000 for one year, with the possibility of repeat awards over a further two years only.

For a travel grant, the award will be to the value of $3000 for overseas conference travel or $1000 for Australian conference travel.